The Dante Cat Family

Sylvanian Families Dante Cat Family Wedding Pair
Sylvanian Families Dante Cat Wedding Couple - 4877)
Released: Circa 2014

Father: Troy Dante
Mother: Arabella Dante

Troy Dante is a master painter and decorator, who lloves his job almost as much as he loves his cup of tea and a good gossip. He considers customers who give him biscuits with his tea, the salt of the earth. Give Troy custard cream biscuits and two teaspoons of sugar in his tea and he is in seventh heaven.

Arabella Dante and Troy were childhood sweethearts who met in the after school drama class. Troy only joined because he wanted to paint the scenery, but instead was cast as the leading man. In their first high school musical they played star crossed lovers where Arabella was smitten during their first stage kiss.

*The Dante Cat wedding couple were originally exclusively available through the UK collectors club as renewal gifts. In 2015, however, they were available as a special offer along with the wedding marquee and various other sets from SSK. My copy of these cats have slightly lighter coloured ears than my Keats cat family, but apart from that, they look identical to the Keats Cat Family.

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